Tmux and Mouse Mode
UPDATE 17 March 2013: I am placing this post into the public domain so people are free to incorporate it into their existing files which may be in the public domain already. As I commented in my last post about tmux, tmux mouse mode left some things to be desired. Namely, there are two problems. First, it completely takes over the mouse. Meaning that you can no longer do a simple “mark text and copy” operation on the native OS. There are patches over this problem, like reattach-to-user-namespace, but that is only helpful if you are running tmux on your Mac. I practically never do that, because most of the usefulness of tmux for me is in leaving active sessions to remote servers. I work on remote servers over ssh connections, detach from tmux, and stick my laptop in its bag. I come back to the session later. That would not be possible if tmux were running on my Mac, so I am almost always running it remotely on a Linux server. ...