Colored pencil on Bristol vellum. Started 2/1/06, completed 3/20/06.

Source image

Source image.

progression step 1

2/8/06 – Base skin layer put down, started facial modeling. I wish I could take credit for those perfectly rendered eyes, but I can’t. The instructor drew them, as a demonstration for the class on how to draw realistic eyes. Skin layers: cream, deco pink, light peach, pink, peach, white. Modeling layer is goldenrod.

progression step 2

2/12/06 – Further facial modeling done. Modeling is goldenrod covered with pink.

progression step 3

2/18/06 – Layer of peach to lighten and blend skin. Some edge blending in pink. Lips: peach, pink and highlighting in poppy red, then tuscan red edging. Interior of mouth: pink and tuscan red, and indigo blue at right side. The initial hair layer was laid down in jasmine.

progression step 4

2/24/06 – Hair completed: jasmine highlights, sienna brown and dark umber. Glasses filled in: raw umber, tuscan red, indigo blue. Base skin layer on hand begun: cream, deco pink, light peach, pink, peach. Shadow of glasses darked in tuscan red.

progression step 5

3/10/06 – Hand completed: modeling with goldenrod and pink; blending in blush pink and light peach; touches of tuscan red. Some shading under chin, on neck and next to ear done in sanguine. Lengthened hair over left eye: jasmine, sienna brown, dark umber. Defined inside of ear with tuscan red.

progression step 6

3/18/06 – Working on shirt. Red area is deco yellow covered with several layers of crimson red, then blended with a colorless blending pencil. Blue area is true blue with an overlay of indigo blue for texturing and darkening. The shirt is partially complete here: the left sleeve is only yellow, no red, and the right forearm has partial red layers. The blue part of the shirt is done over the sleeve cuff, but the rest of the shirt has only the underlying true blue layer without the indigo blue texturing. I stopped at this point and decided to scan it to show the pieces only partly finished.

Final drawing

3/20/06 – Complete. Background is a light blue pastel stick, smeared with tissue and q-tips.